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Weekly Reading #40

04 October 2015

Inspired by @fleure, I’ll give a summary over what I’ve read in the past week. They can be academic papers or articles.

Eric Brewer talks about Kubernetes and CAP

There are two important things in an Internet company: 1. People 2. Machines. It’s probably equally important on how to manage them.

A Critique of the CAP Theorem

I put the two CAP related articles together for an interesting read. This paper tries to give a rigid definition of CAP in order to resolve the confusion over the years.

Solving the Mystery of Link Imbalance: A Metastable Failure State at Scale

This is probably the most interesting read last week. Essentially, Facebook hacked their own switches and selected a dumb algorithm for routing. As a result, it was really hard for them to debug and find the solution. It made me think at the hardware layer in my own cache project at work.

Ruby Metaprogramming

Understood Ruby Metaprogramming a bit.